Where will the Bitcoin price top be? How will we know when we're there? The official launch of https://cbbi.info – How to use it to know when one should consider selling his bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. The Colin Talks Crypto Bitcoin Bull Run Index (CBBI) is an indicator based on a portfolio of 8 bitcoin metrics designed to give us a better idea of where we are in a Bitcoin bull run cycle. The CBBI score is a “peak confidence score”. As it approaches 100, it indicates we may be getting closer to a price top. This video is a part of the “Cash Out Plan” video series. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Topics and Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:20 What is the CBBI? It’s automated now! 02:39 CBBI history is now overlaid on top of BTC price chart. 03:48 Please donate 04:47 Kamil Monicz (CBBI developer) - https://github.com/Zaczero 05:49 CBBI Data in Tabular Form THE METRICS: 08:05 The Golden 51%-49% Ratio https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BTCUSD/QBeNL8jt-BITCOIN-The-Golden-51-49-Ratio-600-days-of-Bull-Market-left/ 8:58 Google Trends search term for “bitcoin” https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&q=bitcoin 11:15 Stock to Flow (by Plan B) https://digitalik.net/btc/# 11:43 Pi Cycle Top Indicator https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/pi-cycle-top-indicator/ 14:17 2 Year Moving Average https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/bitcoin-investor-tool/ 15:11 Bitcoin Trololo Trend Line (Rainbow chart) https://www.blockchaincenter.net/bitcoin-rainbow-chart/ 16:22 RUPL / NUPL Chart (net unrealized profit/loss) https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/relative-unrealized-profit--loss/ 17:17 Puell Multiple https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/puell-multiple/ 17:49 Free API & Final Thoughts ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Disclaimer: This video is not financial or investment advice. Do not buy, sell or trade cryptocurrency, or make any financial decisions based on the content of this video. I am merely sharing what I have done and what I would do in various situations as an educational tool only. The CBBI is not investment advice. The CBBI is meant to be be a fun way of looking at long term price movements, disregarding the daily volatility “noise”. The CBBI is a new index. As such it has not yet been tested on a full bull run. Please keep this in mind and consider it is in beta until more time has elapsed. #bitcoin #btc #crypto #cryptocurrency #news #blockchain #tokens #coins #price CBBI interview ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⚡ ColinTalksCrypto.com ⚡ 💜 Tip me with crypto & leave me a note: https://cointr.ee/ctc 💜 Donation wallet QR codes: https://ColinTalksCrypto.com/ctc_crypto_wallet_qr_codes.png 💜 Bitcoin (BTC) address: 1Da6ivdriJpzqnLkNEa1XnKk5nGCiyRZrF 💜 Ethereum (ETH) address: 0x5b90414Aeb115f910698304E63C2C3092739c9c0 💜 Bitcoin Cash (BCH) address: qpzc3apy9s8x2qtlqxxgnalfxtzgnkg5nq352w9k2t 💜 EOS account: colintcrypto 💗 YouTube: http://youtube.com/ColinTalksCrypto 💗 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ColinTCrypto (@ColinTCrypto) 💗 Facebook: http://fb.me/ColinTalksCryptocurrency 💗 Steemit: https://steemit.com/@colintalkscrypto 💗 Uptrennd: https://uptrennd.com/user/colintalkscrypto 💗 BitChute: https://bitchute.com/channel/colintalkscrypto/ 💗 D.Tube: https://d.tube/#!/c/colintalkscrypto 💗 3Speak: https://3speak.online/user/colintalkscrypto 💗 BitTubers: https://bittubers.com/profile/ColinTalksCrypto 💗 Odysee/LBRY: https://odysee.com/@colintalkscrypto 💗 Read.Cash: https://read.cash/@ColinTalksCrypto 💗 SteemPeak: https://steempeak.com/@colintalkscrypto 💗 SoundCloud (Songs): https://soundcloud.com/colin-talks-crypto 💗 PeakD: https://peakd.com/@colintalkscrypto 💗 Voice: https://app.voice.com/profile/colintalkscrypto 💗 Parler: https://parler.com/profile/Colintalkscrypto 💗 Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-392465 💗 Float: https://flote.app/colintalkscrypto